
People who come and see clairvoyants and healers rarely ask about what happens before and after a reading or a healing.

Everyone is different, but I thought maybe I could share with you my routines.

I need at least an hour before I start doing a reading to get myself ready.

I go into the room I use for working and energetically clear it either with incense, sage or just intention. I set it up for the day. I then head off to shower. It is when I am showering before I meditate that I start hearing what is going to be coming up when the client or clients arrive. At this stage I am also often made aware of the spirits hanging around waiting for their loved ones to arrive.

Then I meditate - always - for the client and for myself. This can take up to 20 minutes and spirits now start to make themselves more clear and I am getting a clear understanding of what is going on for the client/s that are coming that day.

After a reading a cut myself off from the client by literally applying a great big pair of imaginary scissors as I walk away. If the person has energy that wants to hang around I will either wash my hands, go and have a shower or smoke myself with sage or frankincense.

At the end of a long day of reading I will have either a salt bath or salt shower to remove all residual energy.

I also have a deal with spirit that ‘if I am not working- I am not working!’ I had to learn that I had control over what was happening. This meant that I was no longer bombarded with random messages and information when wandering around a shopping centre, for example. However, ‘we’ have some fine print that says that if person is placed in my path for a reason and I become aware of messages etc coming through I have to acknowledge and act on them.

Some people think that we (psychics) are reading them all the time - that is not true - we would be exhausted! We are pretty normal actually!

Have a magical week.


Protecting yourself!