Protecting yourself!

We, as intuitive people, often say to people that that need to protect themselves from negative energy.

What we are suggesting in this statement is that you are, in some way, exposed to negative energy coming from people and things around you.

For example someone who works in a hospital is always exposed to negative health energy, someone who works in a bank as a teller is exposed to all the people who come in with their happiness, sadness, anger, irritation and so on.

So what to do? There are a couple easy ways to protect your energy.

Crystals - Black tourmaline and/or smoky quartz are great for this. You don’t need to carry them around with you. First cleanse just under running water or in salt water with the intention that you are clearing away any residual energy on the crystal. Then program it - i.e. tell it what you want it to do. “Absorb all negative energy coming my way”. Then let it do its work. Smoky quartz will need a regular cleanse but you should be able to get away with about a month with the black tourmaline before you reclean it.

Intention - Imagine you are surrounded by an amazing ball of light. Ask that this ball remain in place for however long you need it and again ask this energy to deflect all negative energy. Imagine that the ball is coated in the lightest beautiful pink and green so that you are looking after your karma as well!

I know for me that I use a shield and also the black tourmaline on a regular basis - daily! LOL

I would love to know how you go trying these out. Please let me know!


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